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Top 5 Tips For How To Speak English Confidently And Fluently

How To Speak English Confidently 5 Tips For You Top 5 Tips For Speak English Confidently

If you want you can also watch the video down below

I'm going to talk to you about confidence is something that a lot of language learners lack I know because I myself speak some other languages and when I was learning them I really felt quite shy at times and I could have used a video by someone to give me a boost so this is what I want to do for you 

I've got five tips that I can give you that will help you learn to speak more confidently more fluently and I really hope that my tips will motivate you a bit more so that you can really learn English with lots of enthusiasm now I've got an Instagram account and I like to chat with my students on there and this morning I posted a video asking my current students what made them feel more confident when speaking English and I got lots of replies and at the end of the article I'm going to show some of those replies to you and see if you can relate with them see if you disagree or agree I think it's really important to get opinions and information from people who are learning English right now they're just like you in the same situation so a little bit about me first so obviously I am English with Lucy 

I am an English teacher and I have been teaching for over three years now it is my love it's my passion it's what I want to do for the rest of my life now part of the reason that I enjoy teaching so much is because I have also been through the language learning experience I've been through it with Spanish I now speak fluent Spanish y si me queries ver hablando en pues podeis ver Este video Aqui Que grabe hablando de los errores que he cometido en español

Best Five Tips  For Speak English Confidently 

How to Speak English Confidently  Top 5 Tips For Speak English Confidently

Tips Number 1

right so let's get started with the tips the first and most important tip I can give you is to laugh at yourself have a sense of humor don't take it too seriously on this channel I like to laugh I like to have fun and sometimes I will sort of make fun of the errors that my students normally make and this is because I want them to get used to laughing at their own errors enjoy your errors are not bad and if you can laugh at them it will make the learning experience so much more pleasant now my teaching methods aren't for everyone for every 99 positive comments I will receive a negative one saying you shouldn't laugh at your students you're a terrible teacher now I can laugh at your errors 

but I can also laugh at mine and I do so frequently so that's why I include the outtakes at the end of some of my videos and that's why I filmed my Perra chorizo video which is actually in Spanish but it's of me talking about these stupid ridiculous hilarious errors that I made in Spanish 

I once asked for a penis Caesar salad I want also made an awful mistake in an ice cream shop the word for a cone of ice cream is un cono de helado and the word for vagina in Spanish is coño and I think you can probably imagine what I asked for un coño de helado yeah I was kind of embarrassed in the moment but now I can laugh about it and it's a great story to tell I always find that if you're finding it hard to have a good conversation with someone that's also learning another language while a really good way of starting a conversation is by talking about the errors that you've made with learning languages it's always a really good conversation starter for me now

Tips Number 2

number two is all about your mistakes again so we're not just laughing about them we are intentionally making them I want you to make mistakes I know many students that would go long periods of time avoiding making certain mistakes they are trying to achieve 100-percent perfection 

I want you to laugh at your mistakes learn from them and move on mistakes are essential even in English I make mistakes and you guys love pointing them out so you need to accept your mistakes learn from them love them and move on okay 

Tips Number 3

number three is pretended that you are confident when I started teaching English I was only nineteen and I remember walking into classrooms of 20 to 30 adults nervous low-level adults in Spain and just thinking wow I am the youngest person in this room I have to get this group of scary scary adults to trust me and believe what I'm saying and listen to me and also to respect me and I never really felt truly nervous before in my life 

but walking into big classrooms especially on the first day was nerve-racking it was it made me really nervous and really anxious and I found that the best way of gaining confidence was to pretend I was confident I hadn't been teaching for long I didn't have much experience 

but I tried my best I prepared hard and I walked in held my head high and I spoke to everyone confidently and I really pretended that I knew what I was doing more than I actually did and this actually created real confidence not only in me 

but in my students, I looked as if I knew what I was doing and they trusted me and respected me and once I'd spent enough time pretending I was confident I actually started feeling genuinely confident though I had real confidence 

but it came from that initial fake confidence so how can we apply this to your language learning well when you're speaking English hide those nerves body language is key pretend that you know what you're talking about don't be arrogant but show that you are not afraid and people will trust you listen to you pretend that you're confident

Tips Number 4

Number four and this is something that I really really believe in and this is to talk to yourself I always talk to myself in the language that I'm learning and it really serves as a preparation for when you're in situations in which you will need to use the language 

the main things that I like to practice on my anecdotes the stories that you typically tell to each new person you meet things that you generally say on a weekly or daily basis it's also good to practice funny stories that you think will make people laugh because you want them to come out in the right way so if you're a lower-level make sure you practice your daily conversations 

how are you how's the weather what your hobbies are what you do for a living and if you're a more advanced learner make sure you talk to yourself about funny anecdotes your life story things that happened to you that were interesting observations about other people's cultures when you give a presentation for university or for work you don't just wing it you don't just walk up and speak you practice it so it should be the same for these stories as well

Tips Number 5

number five immerse yourself and you can take whatever you want from this immersion in my case would be going to the country of the language you're learning and living there integrating yourself into the society into the culture just absorbing the language and the feeling and the in the atmosphere that for me is the best form of immersion 

now that isn't possible for everyone immersion for you might be a narrow week in a language academy it might be a language exchange with a native speaker it might be an online language exchange with another English Learner it might be watching an episode of your favorite TV show in English with English subtitles every night but in order to build your confidence you need to get used to listening in English so you need to find the right immersion technique for you

there is always a solution we have a brilliant saying in English called when there's a will there's a way so when you intend to do something there's a way of doing it and if you want to find a way of immersing yourself into English or the language that you're learning there is a way now I want to read a few of these suggestions from my students on Instagram and one I really like and not all of you are going to like 

this is from Ilich from Venezuela and he says hello I believe that drinking is the way to get more confidence I went to Brighton for a year and the best classroom was the pub brilliant look Ilich has really made the most of his situation he was in Brighton he immersed himself and he found native speakers Micarla from Brazil that she likes watching movies without subtitles again it's that immersion technique 

I was talking to you about Alejandra for a Mexico has a really good piece of advice people should not be afraid to ask natives when they don't know how to say something it's the way that I've increased my vocabulary and improved my pronunciation and of course, your videos help haha that's sweet and yeah I had that is absolutely right Muhammad has also got some really good advice he says speak English with your close friends, yeah you can speak English with people you trust he also says to imagine yourself in different daily situations in which you have to speak English again

it's that talking to yourself technique that I mentioned before Paco says the more he speaks with natives the more confident he feels and yes it's the immersion again Roy says get a girlfriend who is a native speaker yes if you can manage that that's fantastic 

but make sure you're with her for the right reason Hector says speak slowly at first and then build up absolutely I completely agree with Hector ok guys that is it for today's class I really hope that it's helped you and I really hope that you feel slightly more motivated now don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media and I will see you again soon for another lesson alright big kiss and I will see you soon

How to speak English CONFIDENTLY | My Top 5 Tips



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